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" Vim syntax file " Language: gnuplot 3.7 pl0 " Maintainer: John Hoelzel johnh51@bigfoot.com " Last Change: Mon Nov 20 13:11:31 PST 2000 " Filenames: *.gpi *.gih scripts: #!*gnuplot " URL: http://bigfoot.com/~johnh51/vim/syntax/gnuplot.vim " " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " some shortened names to make demo files look clean... jeh. " commands syn keyword gnuplotStatement cd call clear exit set plot splot help syn keyword gnuplotStatement load pause quit fit rep[lot] quit if syn keyword gnuplotStatement FIT_LIMIT FIT_MAXITER FIT_START_LAMBDA FIT_LAMBDA_FACTOR FIT_LOG FIT_SCRIPT syn keyword gnuplotStatement print pwd reread reset save show test ! functions var syn keyword gnuplotConditional if " numbers fm c.vim " integer number, or floating point number without a dot and with "f". syn case ignore syn match gnuplotNumber "\<[0-9]\+\(u\=l\=\|lu\|f\)\>" " floating point number, with dot, optional exponent syn match gnuplotFloat "\<[0-9]\+\.[0-9]*\(e[-+]\=[0-9]\+\)\=[fl]\=\>" " floating point number, starting with a dot, optional exponent syn match gnuplotFloat "\.[0-9]\+\(e[-+]\=[0-9]\+\)\=[fl]\=\>" " floating point number, without dot, with exponent syn match gnuplotFloat "\<[0-9]\+e[-+]\=[0-9]\+[fl]\=\>" " hex number syn match gnuplotNumber "\<0x[0-9a-f]\+\(u\=l\=\|lu\)\>" syn case match " flag an octal number with wrong digits by not hilighting syn match gnuplotOctalError "\<0[0-7]*[89]" " plot args syn keyword gnuplotType using tit[le] notit[le] wi[th] steps fs[teps] syn keyword gnuplotType title notitle t " t - too much? syn keyword gnuplotType with w " w - too much? syn keyword gnuplotType li[nes] l " l - too much? syn keyword gnuplotType linespoints via " funcs syn keyword gnuplotType abs acos acosh arg asin asinh atan atanh atan2 besj0 besj1 besy0 besy1 syn keyword gnuplotType ceil column cos cosh erf erfc exp floor gamma syn keyword gnuplotType ibeta inverf igamma imag invnorm int lgamma syn keyword gnuplotType log log10 norm rand real sgn sin sinh sqrt tan syn keyword gnuplotType tanh valid " set vars " comment out items rarely used - if they slow you up too much. syn keyword gnuplotType xdata timefmt grid noytics ytics fs syn keyword gnuplotType logscale time notime mxtics style syn keyword gnuplotType axes x1y2 unique acsplines syn keyword gnuplotType size origin multiplot xtics xra[nge] yra[nge] square nosquare syn keyword gnuplotType binary matrix index every thru using smooth syn keyword gnuplotType angles degrees arrow noarrow autoscale noautoscale radians " autoscale args = x y xy z t ymin ... - too much? syn keyword gnuplotType linear cubicspline bspline order level[s] auto disc[rete] incr[emental] from to head nohead graph nocontour base both nosurface table out[put] data syn keyword gnuplotType bar border noborder boxwidth syn keyword gnuplotType clabel noclabel clip noclip cntrp[aram] contour syn keyword gnuplotType dgrid3d nodgrid3d dummy encoding format syn keyword gnuplotType function grid hidden[3d] isosample[s] key nokey nohidden[3d] syn keyword gnuplotType defaults offset nooffset trianglepattern undefined noundefined altdiagonal bentover noaltdiagonal nobentover nogrid syn keyword gnuplotType left right top bottom outside below samplen spacing width box nobox linestyle ls linetype lt linewidth lw syn keyword gnuplotType label nolabel logscale nolog[scale] missing center font locale syn keyword gnuplotType mapping margin bmargin lmargin rmargin tmargin spherical cylindrical cartesian syn keyword gnuplotType linestyle nolinestyle linetype lt linewidth lw pointtype pt pointsize ps syn keyword gnuplotType nooffsets data candlesticks financebars linespoints lp vector nosurface syn keyword gnuplotType term[inal] linux aed767 aed512 gpic syn keyword gnuplotType regis tek410x tek40 vttek kc-tek40xx syn keyword gnuplotType km-tek40xx selanar bitgraph xlib x11 X11 syn keyword gnuplotType aifm cgm dumb fig gif small large size syn keyword gnuplotType transparent hp2623a hp2648 hp500c pcl5 syn keyword gnuplotType hpljii hpdj hppj imagen mif pbm png syn keyword gnuplotType postscript enhanced_postscript qms table syn keyword gnuplotType tgif tkcanvas epson-180dpi epson-60dpi syn keyword gnuplotType epson-lx800 nec-cp6 okidata starc syn keyword gnuplotType tandy-60dpi latex emtex pslatex pstex syn keyword gnuplotType eepic tpic pstricks texdraw mf metafont syn keyword gnuplotType timestamp notimestamp syn keyword gnuplotType variables version syn keyword gnuplotType x2data y2data ydata zdata syn keyword gnuplotType reverse writeback noreverse nowriteback syn keyword gnuplotType axis mirror autofreq nomirror rotate autofreq norotate syn keyword gnuplotType update syn keyword gnuplotType multiplot nomultiplot mxtics nomxtics mytics syn keyword gnuplotType nomytics mztics nomztics mx2tics nomx2tics syn keyword gnuplotType my2tics nomy2tics offsets origin output syn keyword gnuplotType para[metric] nopara[metric] pointsize polar nopolar syn keyword gnuplotType xrange yrange zrange x2range y2range rrange syn keyword gnuplotType trange urange vrange sample[s] size syn keyword gnuplotType bezier boxerrorbars boxes bargraph bar[s] syn keyword gnuplotType boxxyerrorbars csplines dots fsteps histeps impulses syn keyword gnuplotType lines linesp[oints] points poiinttype sbezier splines steps " w lt lw ls = optional syn keyword gnuplotType vectors xerr[orbars] xyerr[orbars] yerr[orbars] financebars candlesticks vector syn keyword gnuplotType errorbars surface syn keyword gnuplotType tics ticslevel ticscale time timefmt view syn keyword gnuplotType tm_hour tm_mday tm_min tm_mon tm_sec tm_wday tm_yday tm_year syn keyword gnuplotType xdata xdtics noxdtics ydtics noydtics zdtics syn keyword gnuplotType nozdtics x2dtics nox2dtics y2dtics noy2dtics syn keyword gnuplotType xlab[el] ylab[el] zlab[el] x2label y2label xmtics syn keyword gnuplotType noxmtics ymtics noymtics zmtics nozmtics x2mtics syn keyword gnuplotType nox2mtics y2mtics noy2mtics xtics noxtics ytics syn keyword gnuplotType noytics ztics noztics x2tics nox2tics y2tics syn keyword gnuplotType noy2tics zero nozero zeroaxis nozeroaxis xzeroaxis syn keyword gnuplotType noxzeroaxis yzeroaxis noyzeroaxis x2zeroaxis syn keyword gnuplotType nox2zeroaxis y2zeroaxis noy2zeroaxis angles " comments + strings syn region gnuplotComment start="#" end="$" syn region gnuplotComment start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ syn region gnuplotComment start=+'+ end=+'+ " Define the default highlighting. " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet if version >= 508 || !exists("did_gnuplot_syntax_inits") if version < 508 let did_gnuplot_syntax_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> endif HiLink gnuplotStatement Statement HiLink gnuplotConditional Conditional HiLink gnuplotNumber Number HiLink gnuplotFloat Float HiLink gnuplotOctalError Error HiLink gnuplotType Type HiLink gnuplotComment Comment delcommand HiLink endif let b:current_syntax = "gnuplot" " vim: ts=8